
Operators are a subset of functions that can be represented by different characters, and deviate from the standard notation; unlike normal functions, operators generally separate their arguments using the form argument operator argument. For example, the MULTIPLY function can also be represented using the * operator. Thus, MULTIPLY(3,5) is functionally the same as 3 * 5.

If a function has an operator, generally speaking, you will only ever see the operator. If an operator exists, there is rarely a reason to use the function behind it.

This is a relatively minor distinction, but it is worth noting as it is common terminology.

Math Operators

OperatorFunction EquivalentDescription
+ADDAdds numbers together
-MINUSSubtracts one number from another
*MULTIPLYMultiplies numbers
/DIVIDEDivides one number by another
^POW/POWERRaises a number to the power of another number
%NoneConverts a number to a percentage
eNoneScientific notation


Comparators are a special class of operator.

=EQEqual toCheck if two things are the same. Case insensitive.
<>NENot equal toCheck if two things are not the same. Case insensitive.
<LTLess thanCheck if the first value is less than the second.
<=LTELess than or equal toCheck if the first value is less than or equal to the second.
>GTGreater thanCheck if the first value is greater than the second.
>=GTEGreater than or equal toCheck if the first value is greater than or equal to the second.


:REFERENCECreates a range between two references
&CONCATConcatenates two strings